Our Vision

Make working fun for everyone.

Simplified workflow Building

We are specialized on making complex business processes easier and simpler to work with.

Intergrity & Exclusive Support

We uphold our customers privacy and detail secrecy with utmost respect.

Value of Service

Our services are not limited to your software requirement. We are committed to see it through to fulfil your business goal or purposes.

Nanobotz Team
How we became
Seasoned Professionals
Out team with the NPS Awards Team on 2019 Awards
With National Productivity Secretariat Director

Starting from the National Productivity Secretariat’s office Management System ‘eBreeze‘  at 2014. We have managed to facilitate all processes of the National Productivity Awards Program since 2017 up till now.

Parallelly we also developed an incredibly advance inventory and stock management and tracking system for the National Housing Development Authority (NHDA) that automates all documentation and reports which saved 88% of the work time spent on documentations and process handling.

The project was greatly appreciated by all the employees as well as the upper management of the authority.

Nanobotz inhouse development enviornment
Training at Agriculture Ministry
Our Story

Tiny But Brave Team since - 2014.

We are a Tiny Company, But our work is absolutely huge! It’s never been a smooth journey, but the hard path has seasoned us to take on any challenge with a smile.

We say this to everyone, because every single client we have ever worked with knows this to be true. 

The challenges we have faced and overcome as a 3-man team at first, up to the point of having 10 full time members as of 2020 was huge. 


Training Session at NHDA Stores

Then started our next venture to develop a large web application supported for web and mobile catering a huge user base. 

The project at the ministry of agriculture was an impossible task thous we code named it ‘the project Mi7’ where we were given only a small-time frame to develop an entire system within a budget. 

The Development was done in house, and our team worked for weeks straight day and night to meet the deadlines and to produce the expected system. 

It wasn’t a very enjoyable experience for us, but it was definitely our defining project which made us realize our capacity and capabilities which later allowed us to complete all other projects with ease.

Successful work with
Clients Worldwide
Our User Count
Our Expert Connections
Full Time Employees
Our Growth
Slowly but surely
Jica Ex Participants Association website
Social Network Agreement Signing

Starting from the National Productivity Secretariat’s office Management System ‘eBreeze‘  at 2014. We have managed to facilitate all processes of the National Productivity Awards Program since 2017 up till now.

Parallelly we also developed an incredibly advance inventory and stock management and tracking system for the National Housing Development Authority (NHDA) that automates all documentation and reports which saved 88% of the work time spent on documentations and process handling.

The project was greatly appreciated by all the employees as well as the upper management of the authority.

Since our Big Projects.

We are a Tiny Company, But our work is absolutely huge! It’s never been a smooth journey, but the hard path has seasoned us to take on any challenge with a smile.

We say this to everyone, because every single client we have ever worked with knows this to be true. 

The challenges we have faced and overcome as a 3-man team at first, up to the point of having 10 full time members as of 2020 was huge. 



Then started our next venture to develop a large web application supported for web and mobile catering a huge user base. 

The project at the ministry of agriculture was an impossible task thous we code named it ‘the project Mi7’ where we were given only a small-time frame to develop an entire system within a budget. 

The Development was done in house, and our team worked for weeks straight day and night to meet the deadlines and to produce the expected system. 

It wasn’t a very enjoyable experience for us, but it was definitely our defining project which made us realize our capacity and capabilities which later allowed us to complete all other projects with ease.